While taking the roast out of the box, I noticed there was no gravy. It's not the biggest deal in the world but the other two brands of roasts do come with gravy. I popped the roast in the oven and went about my business. The cranberries, hazelnuts and whatever else in the roast made the kitchen smell good! A little over a hour in the oven and the roast is ready to eat.
My favorite aspect of the roast was the flaky crusty pastry outside (I guess that's what "en croute" means.) It reminded me a little bit of a pot pie. The meaty part was also a winner, typical Field Roast gourmet wheat meat with a hazelnut twist. The inside is a mix of cranberry, ginger, apple and sausage. Overall I enjoyed it, but after my second and third piece, I felt the cranberry flavor was a little too overpowering. Good news for you cranberry lovers, cause you will be in heaven. I guess I'm just not a huge cranberry fan.
For the most part I was happy with the Field Roast Hazelnut Cranberry Roast. Minor things like the lack of gravy (Tofurky does sell an individual gravy if you are as lazy as me) and the overpowering cranberry flavor couldn't hinder the fact that this roast is a high quality product and an excellent option in the wide world of Vegan holiday centerpieces.