Friday, February 10, 2012

The Laziest Vegans Top Ten Asks Kittee Berns

Kittee Berns is a Vegan gluten-free cooking queen. With her popular zine Papa Tofu, her blog cake maker to the stars and the gluten-free resource website xgfx, Kittee is the go-to person of the Vegan gluten-free universe. Although Kittee doesn't eat many pre-packaged foods, she was more than happy to share her knowledge with all of us. So if you are Vegan, gluten-free and lazy, this is a list you're gonna want to pay attention to!

What is your favorite store-bought veggie burger?
Organic Sunshine Burgers.

What is you favorite frozen dinner?
Tandoor Chef/Green Guru Pad Thai is an absolute favorite. I used to get it for lunch all the time when I worked at Whole Foods. They even use wheat-free tamari...

What is your favorite ice cream?
So Delicious' Turtle Trails.

What is your favorite chip or cracker?
Pico De Gallo tortilla chips by Garden of Eatin'.

What is your favorite cereal?
Kaia Buckwheat Granola-Cocoa Bliss.

What is your favorite candy?
Go Max Go Snap! chocolate bar.

What is your favorite cookie?
Cowboy bars by Petunia, but I would be delighted by any of their cookies.

What three pre-packaged food items would you take to a desert island?
Any brand Vermicelli Noodles, Red Star Nutritional Yeast and GT Kombucha.

Name a product you would like Veganized?
This is a long reach, but I would die for a xgfx stromboli!

What are your favorite local and/or online stores for Vegan products?
Back to Eden Bakery Boutique, Food Fight and Petunia's!

And that concludes The Laziest Vegans Top Ten. Thanks Kittee!


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