I'm not going to lie: I liked bacon when I was a meat eater. But for some reason, pork was the first thing I gave up when I started going Vegetarian. I soon became accustomed to making tempeh bacon so I could still have my B.L.T.'s (or if you will, T.L.T.'s.) But as much as I liked tempeh bacon, it wasn't close texture-wise. I missed the flat, chewy, crunchiness of bacon. As time went on, I just got used to the fact that I would never have bacon again and that tempeh bacon was the best cruelty-free option.
Well, fast-forward a decade later and I'm holding a box of Upton's Natural Seitan Bacon in my hand. Is this the product I've been waiting 13 years for? For the most part, yes! Upton's Bacon is thin-cut, smoky and when cooked properly, crunchy. These are lean and tasty. The only significant fat you are going to get is from the oil you use to cook the Seitan Bacon with. You can overcook it a bit to get that "bacon crunch" you miss or cook it normal to a chewy seitan consistency. When done perfectly, it even gets that crisp at the edges, chewy in the center thing going on. So far I've had the bacon with pancakes, as part of a salad and of course, in B.L.T.'s.
It has a deep hickory taste with a definite bacon flavor going on. I can fry some up and eat it by itself (the true test of how good something is.) And when it really comes down to it, it's satisfying to know I didn't inflict harm on a pig to have a delicious B.L.T. It comes already sliced up like tradition bacon, which is a nice touch. And I was happy to see Upton Natural's donates 5% of profits from Bacon Seitan to pigs at Farm Sanctuary!
Thank you to Upton's Naturals for this amazing Seitan Bacon, you made this former bacon lover very, very happy.