This month, I'm going to the streets of San Francisco (not really, I wish!) to ask VegNews Managing Editor Elizabeth Castoria what her favorite Vegan convenience foods are. You probably recognize Elizabeth from the front pages of your VegNews, where she writes the Editor's Note every issue. When she isn't busy editing the magazine, Elizabeth is blogging from Cafe VegNews where she reports and takes pics of her lunch (along with the rest of the VegNews staff). So her love of food is well publicized, but do you know what her favorite ice cream is?
What is your favorite store-bought veggie burger?
I'm not a big burger eater, but the Gardein Ultimate Beefless Burger is pretty danged great.
What is your favorite frozen dinner?
Amy's Indian Spinach Tofu Wrap is ridiculous.
What is your favorite ice cream?
A) It's really awesome that there are enough phenomenal vegan ice creams for this to be a hard question—we no longer have to resort to Mocha Mix!
B) Shoot, it's a really hard question! Coconut Bliss Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge. Bam.
What is your favorite chip or cracker?
It's a tie between Beanfields Nacho Bean and Rice Chips and Kettle Tias! in Salsa Picante. But also, Wheat Thins.
What is your favorite cereal?
Cap'n Crunch. Or, if I'm trying to pretend like sugar doesn't exist, Quaker Oatmeal Squares.
What is your favorite candy?
Right now, it's Chocolate Decadence's Chocolate Pretzel Bar.
What is your favorite cookie?
I could eat Liz Lovely cookies until I died of cookie.
What three pre-packaged food items would you take to a desert island?
Gardein's Chick'n Tenders, Peanut Butter & Co.'s Cinnamon Raisin Swirl, and CalNaturale's Svelte drinks (especially the Cappuccino flavor, but really, I'll take whatever's on hand. On the island.)
Name a product you would like Veganized?
Brie. By the truckload.
What are your favorite local and/or online stores for Vegan products?
In SF, we are super-spoiled to have Rainbow Grocery. It's a freaking wonderland of delight.
And that concludes The Laziest Vegans Top Ten. Thanks Elizabeth!