Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lagusta's Luscious Tabby Toffees For The Teal Cat Project

As you may have noticed, I have a Teal Cat Project link on my blog. Isa Chandra Moskowitz started the Teal Cat Project last year to help the feral cat population across the country. Cats are near and dear to my heart so it was a no-brainier to volunteer for the project. One of Teal Cats newest fundraisers is the Tabby Toffee Chocolate Box from Lagusta's Luscious. As you can see, they are super adorable, organic and fair trade! The Tabby Toffees are $20, with $10 going directly to the TCP.

What a cute box! Isn't the Teal Cat Logo by Anna Dorfman adorable?

You get four Tabby Toffies and three Solid Birds. The Tabbies are delicious! The chocolate exterior is phenomenal. Dark, rich and bittersweet, it's the perfect contrast for the sweet caramelly filling.

You can see the gooey butterscotch and milk chocolate ganache inside. So do yourself a favor and buy a box of Tabby Toffees and while you are at it, check out Lagusta's AMAZING Smoky Corn on the Cob Chocolate Bar, it's heavenly!


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