Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Laziest Vegans Top Ten Asks Melisser Elliott

This month's Laziest Vegans Top Ten shines the spotlight on Vegan luminary Melisser Elliott. Melisser is the author of The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life, creator of the blog The Urban Housewife and the face behind the website Cruelty Free Face. Recently she even found the time to create a Twitter account specifically for Vegan questions called Vegan Answers. And last but not least, Melisser is from the Bay Area and her Dad loves the Oakland A's. Oh, and she worships Morrissey. Now that's my kind of bio! Without further ado...I present you Melisser Elliott.

What is your favorite veggie burger?
I'm not much of a veggie burger gal, although the new Gardein burger is good. I'd rather eat the Crispy Tenders! I was a tester for Joni Marie Newman's "The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet", so that ruined most store bought options.

What is you favorite frozen dinner?
I can get down with an Amy's Tamale Pie.. but I suppose the answer would be Gardein Crispy Tenders with some dipping sauce like spicy mustard.

What is your favorite ice cream?
Anything from Lula's Sweet Apothecary, Tempt Vanilla Bean, Temptation Cookie Dough, or Limetta Eis from Tanne B in Berlin. Ice cream is my favorite food.

What is your favorite chip or cracker?
Mr. Krispers Sea Salt and Pepper Rice Crisps, they're always gone in one sitting. Trader Joe's Wheat Crisps and EcoPlanet Vegan Cheddar Crackers are great as well.

What is your favorite cereal?
Flax Plus, I know, not that exciting, but I miss it here in Europe. We do have vegan Cinnamon Toast Crunch though, called CinnaMinis, no added D3!

What is your favorite candy?
Manner Schnitten!! I can DEVOUR these. I'm also not afraid to throw down on a Go Max Go Jokerz bar!

What is your favorite cookie?
I think I'm going to have to go Uncle Eddie's Chocolate Chip, if I have to pick one, or maybe, Candy Cane Joe Joe's. I prefer to make my own!

What three pre-packaged food items would you take to a desert island?
Tortillas, Cilantro Jalapeno Hummus, and Pineapple Salsa; to eat together, of course! Can I have some fire to warm it up too?

Name a product you would like Veganized?
I would say Peeps, but Dandies made that happen! How about Angel Food Cake, the gnarly kind you buy at the supermarket that sticks to the sides of the plastic tub.

What are your favorite local and/or online stores for Vegan products?
Veganz supermarket in Berlin is the mecca of all things vegan and delicious. Online, I appreciate that Vegan Essentials ships overseas. My fave American shops are Food Fight and Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe though!

And that concludes The Laziest Vegans Top Ten. Thanks Melisser!